Phone signal boosting sticker

Описание к видео Phone signal boosting sticker

Much as I'd love to tell you these actually work, they are another product that aims to deceive and act as a placebo. Proper antenna design is literally a specialist industry of its own, and slapping a conductive sticker onto your phone is more likely to reduce your signal than improve it.

On a plus note, at least this sticker isn't radioactive like the crazy 5G defense stickers.

There's nothing new about this scam. In the very earliest days of mobile phones they soon came out with window stickers that claimed to divert RF energy into your home from outside to give better reception.

This one is extra tacky, because it makes much less effort to look real. Instead of being a slim PCB it's literally just a sticker with fake tracks printed on it and even the intriguing "chip" in the middle is just a printed black square.

If you actually want one of these then save your money and make a sticker out of the thumbnail of this video. It will be just as effective.

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