"21st Century Viking Stories" XX Slavs and Viking Festival Wolin 2014

Описание к видео "21st Century Viking Stories" XX Slavs and Viking Festival Wolin 2014

(dtsch/engl UT)
Part 5 of the "21st Century Viking Stories" shows magic insights of the "XX. Slavs and Viking Festival" - Wolin - Poland (2014).
It is one of the best Early Middle Ages Reenactment Festivals reconstructing relations between Slavs and Vikings.

Teil 5 der "21st Century Viking Stories" vermittelt magische Eindrücke des "XX. Slavs and Viking Festival" - Wollin - Polen (2014)
Dies ist eines der besten frühmittelalterlichen Reenactment Festivals und stellt die Beziehung zwischen Slaven und Wikingern nach.


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