ciel phantomhive | everything is wrong

Описание к видео ciel phantomhive | everything is wrong


"Sometimes, I hate the life I made. Everything is wrong, every time..."

A few months ago, when the aftermath of the twin reveal happened, I started this project. This song fits our Ciel (who I really believe is named Astre/Aster) very well, and how he's tried to keep up the lie of living as his brother Ciel all of this time. It's so incredibly sad that he's existing as Ciel and not as himself, because he wanted to become the person that his brother was. The twin's story is absolutely heartbreaking. I love both of them, but of course our baby that we've known as Ciel all of this time is more precious to me. He's gone through a lot these last few chapters, and I wanted to depict that struggle, how he hates living this lie - even if it's a self-fabricated one - and secretly how he wishes it were Ciel who was still alive and not himself.

Of course, that's now the case. Both twins are alive - mostly. And now we're going to have to see how Ciel's return continues to affect our Ciel and his damaged psyche.

SONG: Narcissistic Cannibal
ARTIST: EarlyRise
FANDOM: BLACK BUTLER (Manga chs. 1 - 142)
PROGRAM: Sony Vegas Pro 12.0


I also just wanted to let everyone know that I don't know when another video will be up. I'm actually attempting to finish some of my much older projects and finally get those done. But inspiration is rare these days. At this point, if I upload something, consider it a miracle!


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