Low Carb Cardiologist on Saturated Fat, Cholesterol & ApoB | Dr. Ethan Weiss

Описание к видео Low Carb Cardiologist on Saturated Fat, Cholesterol & ApoB | Dr. Ethan Weiss

Is high cholesterol harmful on a low carb diet? What about saturated fat?
Does high HDL-C and low triglycerides eliminate risk? How about a calcium score of zero? Low Carb Cardiologist Dr. Ethan Weiss addresses common low carb FAQs.

ApoB & ASCVD risk. you can predict per milligram per deciliter reduction in LDL-cholesterol or apoB you'll see a specific reduction in risk

the simplest answer: what's your ApoB? the role of HDL in atherosclerotic coronary disease is fascinating. triglycerides: it's the apoB component of triglycerides probably that contributes to risk, so the simplest way to think about this is what´s your apoB.

statins are not LDL-reducing drugs, or apoB reducing drugs, they're heart attack risk-reducing drugs, they happen to also reduce LDL.

high ApoB and a high HDL-cholesterol.

calcium scoring. the power of zero is much more impactful in an older person. if you have calcium in your arteries at 20 you got a problem. having zero calcium score after three or four or five years of having hypercholesterolemia or high apoB doesn't necessarily tell us much, you could be growing soft plaque. statins can raise calcium score at the same time as they lower risk. statins increase deposition of calcium but they reduce risk.

is it the saturated fat itself or is it the carbs, if I'm on a low carb diet maybe that eliminates the risk? high saturated fat confers high apoB. if your ApoB is still good, from a coronary perspective it's hard for me to go beyond the ApoB. for me it's all driven by ApoB.

oxidized or modified LDL or ApoB. drugs to specifically modulate oxidized LDL independent of overall LDL have all failed. if you have less residence time, if your LDL receptors are upregulated, it's less likely to be modified. monoclonal antibodies against oxidized LDL failed.

next week: low carb diets to maximize cardiovascular health

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Disclaimer: The contents of this video are for informational purposes only and are not intended to be medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment, nor to replace medical care. The information presented herein is accurate and conforms to the available scientific evidence to the best of the author's knowledge as of the time of posting. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions regarding any medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of information contained in Nutrition Made Simple!.

#NutritionMadeSimple #GilCarvalho

0:00 Intro
0:52 How Dr. Weiss got into low carb diets
2:20 High cholesterol on low carb
7:15 HDL-C and triglycerides
10:57 Calcium score
14:22 Saturated fat on low carb
17:07 LDL modification (oxidation etc)


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