What do beautiful Ukrainian girls in Odesa think of foreign guys in 2020?

Описание к видео What do beautiful Ukrainian girls in Odesa think of foreign guys in 2020?

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What Ukrainian girls in Odessa think of foreign guys (Summer 2018 edition) 👉🏻    • What Ukrainian girls in Odesa think o...  
What Ukrainian girls in Odessa think of foreign guys! | How to travel better 👉🏻    • What Ukrainian girls in Odesa think o...  

Go check out my friend Marianna's YouTube channel for advice about Odesa 👉🏻    / @adventuregirlukraine  
Marianna’s website 👉🏻 www.adventureguide.me

Also a shoutout to my friends at Giammetti 👉🏻   / giammettivienna  

Website 👉🏻 https://www.tsarexperience.com
Instagram 👉🏻   / conorclyne_neweurope  
Facebook 👉🏻   / conorclyneneweurope  
Email 👉🏻 [email protected]

00:00 Intro
01:22 Have you ever dated a foreigner?
04:22 Are there nationalities that you wouldn't date?
04:38 What would your parents say?
05:16 Would you be open to moving country?
06:06 Would you split the bill?
07:15 What is your impression of Turks and Arabs?
09:17 Love or money?
10:00 Living the Tsar Experience in-person


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