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In this video, we delve into the latest developments in global geopolitics: Biden's visit to Germany, Zelensky's urgent appeals to NATO, the US stance on Ukraine's victory plan, and the ongoing tensions between Russia and NATO. We explore various expert perspectives to provide a balanced analysis, aiming to broaden understanding, enhance credibility, and reduce bias. The video also touches on the rising nuclear tensions and their potential implications for the global order. Tune in, listen to the insights, and form your own conclusions.

#Biden #Germany #Zelensky #NATO #Ukraine #Russia #Geopolitics #NuclearTensions #Eritrea #Ethiopia #Tigrinya

DISCLAIMER: This video content is intended only for informational, educational, and entertainment purposes. Your use of G. Drar's YouTube channel and your reliance on any information on the channel is solely at your own risk. I encourage you to do your own research for the topic covered in the video before you make your decision.


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