Bachri Farming | Dairy Hiefers | Jersey Hiefers | Australian Friesian || Global Village Farming

Описание к видео Bachri Farming | Dairy Hiefers | Jersey Hiefers | Australian Friesian || Global Village Farming

This video is about cross breed hiefers you mean dairy farming hiefers in punjab pakistan. Dairy farming bussiness is very famous in pakistan and India also in Afghanistan bcoz of ruler land availablity.Best quality Jersey hiefers Australian Hiefers Holstien friesian hiefers Dutch and Amercian hiefers are shown in this video. You may purchase these hiefers from aftab sb. Location is near Gondal mandi attock. For new dairy farmers in pakistan who want to work on breed. These female imported calves are available at low cheap prices. These hiefers are almost ready to Inseminate having good dairy characters. Mandi star always helps the farmers to provide necessary information about cattles and other areas of farming specially about cow and hiefers.Cross breed and pure breed hiefers from Gondal mandi are very famous because of their low price.


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