From Concept to Prototype: Building the inoCube with Zephyr / Zephyr Meetup Karlsruhe - May 23, 2024

Описание к видео From Concept to Prototype: Building the inoCube with Zephyr / Zephyr Meetup Karlsruhe - May 23, 2024

The talk will start with an introduction of the inoCube and the necessary features the hardware needs to support. The hardware is based on the Thingy52 development board using Zephyr. We'll discuss the challenges encountered, the straightforward aspects and how we integrated existing drivers and example code to create the inoCube. The following parts will be examined in detail:
- Building a small Add-On board to measure the temperature and a status
- Reading the movement data of the 9-axis MPU9250 sensor
- Transmission of all collected data over Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) to a mobile app
- Updating the device with over-the-air (OTA) using mcuboot


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