[PMV] Get Lucky - Extended

Описание к видео [PMV] Get Lucky - Extended

IT IS OVER! After 7 months or 222 days, I can release it. Yup, it took this much time to edit. Why? Because I've been in College since september. And now it's getting hard to edit regularly.
This PMV means a lot to me. When I released the first Get Lucky PMV around a year ago I wasn't expecting this much response. Since then, I got 1,000 more subscriber (you are now more than 1,200), the PMV has been viewed 116,000 times (by the time I write this) and you're still enjoying it. Thank you very much. /)

I hope you will enjoy this as much as I enjoyed editting it. Please subscribe if you liked it. Eventually, I will upload some PMVs by the time I pass my competitve exam next year. Don't worry, I have some ideas left.

Follow me on Twitter: @ArthyChaud
  / arthychaud  


-Daft Punk - Get Lucky (The album edit, not the radio edit)
-Find The Music In You (PonyFireStone Remix):    • Видео  

Some Vectors found on the MLP-VectorClub

One image by DShou

-- Featured on --

Equestria Daily: http://www.equestriadaily.com/2014/04...

PMVToday: http://pmvtoday.com/2014/04/get-lucky...

Le Poney Blanc: http://www.leponeyblanc.fr/2014/04/pm...


My Little Pony belongs to Hasbro. All the images are used with the principle of fair use. The purpose of this video isn't to harm Hasbro, My Little Pony's licence, Daft Punk, Columbia Records or any content used in this video.


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