Should You Apply For All India Quota Counselling for MBBS Admission AIQ VS SQ

Описание к видео Should You Apply For All India Quota Counselling for MBBS Admission AIQ VS SQ

In this video, I am going to answer whether it is mandatory for all NEET aspirants to apply for All India Quota Counselling for MBBS BDS Admission?

If you are looking for MBBS or PG or Super specialty admission, install mbbscouncil android app. It contains everything you need to know to participate in counselling and pick the best medical college for your neet rank. installation link for the app is given in the description below.

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There are two ways to get MBBS Admission in Government Medical Colleges. MBBS Seats in state government run medical colleges are divided into all india quota and state quota. 15% of the seats are allotted through all india quota for which students from any indian state are eligible to participate. Remaining 85% seats are allotted through state quota for which students who are native to the state where the college is located are eligible to participate.

Lets say you are looking for Indira Gandhi MEdical College Nagpur. It has 200 mbbs seats. 15% seats that is 30 seats will be allotted through all india quota 85% seats that is 170 seats will be allotted through Maharasthra state counselling. Last Year All India Quota Cut off was AIR 9165 and for maharashtra state quota it was 19218. If your all india rank is 14000, then you have chance to get GMC chandrapur or nandurbar which were started recently...but not India gandhi medical college in nagpur.. But through maharastra state quota you would get Indira Gandi medical college nagpur..

It is upto the student to decide which counselling he/she wants to participate. To participate in state counselling, there is no need to register for all india counselling conducted by medical counselling committee. For highly competitive states such as Delhi, Rajasthan, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and Kerala where state cut off is higher than all india quota cut off, it is advisable to apply for both counselling to increase the chances to get govt college.

For rest of the state students, they can apply only through state counselling if their All India rank is greater than 10000 because they will get better college through state quota compared to all india quota.

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