Dead Kennedys' California Über Alles performed by School Orchestra

Описание к видео Dead Kennedys' California Über Alles performed by School Orchestra

Videozapis Osnovne škole "Sečenji Ištvan" iz Subotice sa humanitarnog koncerta školskog orkestra za obolele učenike ove škole, Leu i Damjana. Koncert je održan februara 2019. u svečanoj sali Gradske kuće u Subotici. Posetioci koncerta mogli su da uživaju u repertoaru pop, rock i pank numera koje su izveli članovi orkestra koji čine učenici, nastavnici, roditelji i prijatelji škole. Za gitarom (lead instrument) Vladimir Miletin, a za bubnjevima - Stanko Patarčić. Dirigent i aranžer: Šandor Tamaš.

Kamera: Dejan Ivanić
Obrada videozapisa: SidV76
   / sidv76  

Video of "Secenji Istvan" primary school orchestra performing Dead Kennedys' song California Über Alles.
The orchestra is based in Subotica, Serbia, and consists of students, teachers and the students' parents.
The concert where this song was performed was held in the city Town Hall, and it's purpose was to help ill students, Lea and Damjan.
It is safe to say everyone had enjoyed the show, and it was a great opportunity to help two greatly brave, young and strong people.
Video clip made by: SidV76


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