Electricians Apprentice Tools (Industrial Maintenance)

Описание к видео Electricians Apprentice Tools (Industrial Maintenance)

Electrical apprentice need many tools to get started. I am currently an industrial electrician on the maintenance side. An industrial electrical apprentice tools are going to greatly differ from that of a residential or commercial electricians. I tried to keep the list of tools down to the basics an industrial electrical apprentice will need on his first day. I had to edit this video down quite a bit to keep it from being 45 minutes long. If this video receives interest I will continue the series with more industrial electrician tools and aspects of the job. Electrical tools such as electrical pliers, wire strippers, lineman pliers, dykes, diagonal cutters, socket sets, ratchets, channellock Pliers, and even pipe wrenchs are many tools needed to start an industrial electrical apprenticeship. I even discuss electrical troubleshooting and testing tools such as a fluke multimeter, amp clamp, and megohmmeter aka megger.

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