Wither On The Vine

Описание к видео Wither On The Vine

After years of going cap in hand to record labels and begging for money to do this or that and then being beholden to the soul sucking machine that is the music business I've decided enough is enough. My new solo album 'Songs Of Candlelight & Razorblades' is being released, with the help of my manager George Allen, on my own label, Eyes Wide Shut Recordings.
So, in the spirit of self sufficiency and the cottage industry I have become and not wanting or being able to rely on a record label's big bucks for budgets I have made a video for 'Wither On The Vine' that I am rather proud of. Filmed by my wife, Cinthya, on a normal domestic video camera, using just either natural-light or candlelight and with no use of electric light, and edited by myself, it cost absolutely nothing to make except time and imagination and grappling with software hitherto unexplored. All the £££'s that I've spent on videos over the years only to find it is not the arcane art that video directors and editors, and the record business in general, would have you believe and, thumbing my nose at such po-faced conventions as 'always use down-lighting for video, donchaknow', I found it is something instinctual and fun to do without being a big learning curve. Therapeutic almost, zen like. It just goes to show that you don't need the big budgets and the snobbery of so called professionals, anyone can do this stuff these days. Of course it's not an attempt to compete with big budget videos but it is my visual interpretation of the song and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did putting it together.
The same with making music. Imagination and creativity. That's all you need. You don't need big, fancy studios with expensive equipment. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise. Answerable to no one but myself. That's how I like it. Long live the cottage industry.
Wayne Hussey, Aug. 29th 2014.


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