The Lungs and the Respiratory System | Waldorf Main Lesson Anatomy

Описание к видео The Lungs and the Respiratory System | Waldorf Main Lesson Anatomy

We spent several lessons covering the rhythmic system of the body including the lungs and heart. We learned about blood, veins, arteries, carbon dioxide, oxygen, breathing, the pulse and much more. The lessons were so rich, it took several chapters in Charles Kovacs book on Muscles and Bones to cover these topics and several pages in the main lesson book to illustrate and write these lessons. As the illustrations for this main lesson block were becoming quite intricate and time consuming, I'm making a concerted effort to keep the illustrations at about 30 minutes. This illustration took about 45 minutes and I used our Lyra Rembrandt Polycolor Colored Pencils for most of the illustration. I also used a soft lead pencil for outlining and details. I do the illustrations and narrations first, then my daughter copies them. This works well because I tend to spend more time on the illustration and this allows her to simplify the artwork to suit her ability level.

Once again we used the book Anatomicum: Welcome to the Museum Hardcover – by Jennifer Z. Paxton as illustration inspiration for this lesson. We also use the content in Anatomicum as well, but when we write our narrations, much of that content comes from the Charles Kovacs book. I had intended to use our Waldorf Live Education curriculum as well, but found that once we started with Muscles and Bones, I found it very easy to use and it supported our lessons very well.

Continue reading this post and check out the complete list of resources for anatomy as well as links to all the resources on the blog post that accompanies this video:

Check out all the videos in this series as well as video tutorials and Waldorf Anatomy Lessons on the video playlist:
   • Anatomy  

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