Samsung: How to make a Software update on Galaxy Smartphones?

Описание к видео Samsung: How to make a Software update on Galaxy Smartphones?

With this tutorial video, I want to show you, how you can make a Software update at your Samsung Galaxy phone/tablet.

In the first 2-3 years you should make sometimes an updat to have the newest software. Later you should only do it, if it is really necessary, like if one of your importants apps requires an update to still able to use. Because Software updates will makes your phones slower. The reason: The newest updates requieres better hardware.

It works for several devices like:
Samsung S-series (S22, S21, S20, S10, S9, S8, S7,...)
Samsung Note-series (Note 20, Note 10, Note 9,....)
Samsung A-series (A53, A52, A42, A32, A12, A90, A70, A71, A51, A50, ...)
Samsung M-series (, M22, M32M21, M31, M10, M11, M30, M20, M30s,...)
Samsung Tablets (Tab S4, Tab S5, Tab S6, Tab S7, Tab A, Tab A7, ...)

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