The Three Pillars of Inner Work - Thomas Hübl

Описание к видео The Three Pillars of Inner Work - Thomas Hübl

Thomas explains the three pillars of inner work as practiced here: spiritual practice, integration work, ethical upgrades.
Practice leads to transcendence and state consciousness, integration work leads to the embodiment of states, receiving ethical upgrades means me living a life that is ethically more and more aligned with the divine law. If one of these elements is missing from the development path, imbalances can occur. I can have very high state experiences and still have trauma and shadow felds in myself. They might not be touched by that because that's not the practice.
The integration work, that's the way down into the body, and through the body into the ancestry, and through the ancestry into the planet. And then I feel, wow, I am part of the planet. The planet is intimately like a spectrum of experiences that is part of my consciousness.

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