The end of Motortrend's great shows - End of Dragstrips

Описание к видео The end of Motortrend's great shows - End of Dragstrips

I discuss the importance of the shows and TV personalities from the MT Network. They cancelled everything I watched, so I have cancelled them. Below is the list of those whom I watched weekly. They were part of my garage time when I needed a reason to get it done not to mention why I put a TV in there! Many of us felt like you were a large part of our lives and family.
Mentions of the greats and where to find them on YouTube!
@StayTunedTA - Tony
@TheDavidFreiburger - David
@FinnegansGarage - Mike
@luckysgarageshow - Lucky
@stevedulcich2656 - Steve
@fullcustomian - Ian
@12VoltDave - Dave
@ViceGripGarage – Derek
Cotton, I cannot find yours but I know you have one!


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