I'm a Country Man in a Digital Age

Описание к видео I'm a Country Man in a Digital Age

I'm a Country Man in a Digital Age is a song by a man who wishes for a return to a simpler way of life where people were easy to meet and call. But now he feels the world is moving too fast, and there's so much hatred and conflict. He describes how the world is full of smart gadgets, such as phones and robots that can talk, and he worries about a future where AI's all the rage now, but it's taking away the human touch.

The video is produced by Changemakers Productions, a division of Changemakers Publishing which features books on self-help, memoirs, self-publishing, social issues, criminal justice. It helps clients with self-publishing and ghostwriting their books. The company has published over 200 books, 50 with traditional publishers, 100 independently published. For more details, the company website is www.changemakerspublishingandwriting.com


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