Tales of Symphonia Chronicles – Shadow (Raine solo – Mania)

Описание к видео Tales of Symphonia Chronicles – Shadow (Raine solo – Mania)

We go back to a summon spirit spam and for now it’s Shadow. It’s got 60000 HP and has weird hitboxes. It has multiple basic attacks with a good amount of range and also has an about 10-hit Dark shower for good damage if you can’t dodge or block it. It only has two spells : Dark sphere and Bloody lance. Those are the only ones it need though. Shadow’s most important gimmick is that after getting below 45000 HP it’ll start teleporting (right in front of its target) if it’s a bit far from its target and you can easily jump over it at that point since it goes in the ground to teleport. However the teleport range also has its limits.

I’ll sacrifice the other three characters as fast as possible (why are they revived with 1 HP in some fights but not others ?) since I basically don’t want Shadow to go on an axis where the distance I can get is too small for the teleporting part of the battle. I went with an instant Holy lance to gain some damage at first while I sacrifice the other three characters, and then I get into overlimit and use Sacred light to allow Shadow to teleport.

From there I need to find a few opportunities to heal with First aid since Shadow still does big damage with its moves. I also found out that you jump over it in some situations (when it uses some attacks and releases Bloody lance) and that really helps if I’m stuck in a corner. Otherwise I’ll find some opportunities to use Holy lance or some basic attacks. It’s also the first time I’m using the holy staff. It’s her only weapon with a passive effect other than gaining stats : it heals 1% of max HP every few seconds. I combine that with the holy symbol for some more passive regen. I won’t be able to do that every time but if I don’t really need to use basic attacks, it’ll always be a nice option.

BGM : Atelier Iris 2 - Carmine


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