Tredegar in the Trenches - The 1918 visit of ‘Egbert’

Описание к видео Tredegar in the Trenches - The 1918 visit of ‘Egbert’

It was common for tanks to visit British towns to raise money for the war effort.

A tank with the name of Egbert, left the train station and was followed, by a few thousand people, through Morgan Street and as far as St. George’s Church until resting in the circle near Tredegar's town clock...

It was a sight the town had never seen the likes of before.

Roedd hi'n gyffredin ar gyfer tanciau i ymweld â threfi Prydain i godi arian ar gyfer ymdrech y rhyfel.

Gwnaeth tanc gyda'r enw Egbert, gadael yr orsaf tren a chafodd ei ddilyn gan rhyw mil o bobl, drwy stryd Morgan cyn belled ag Eglwys St. George’s tan gorffwys yn y cylch ger cloc tref Tredegar...

Roedd y dref erioed wedi gweld o'r blaen.


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