vivo y91 y93 y95 power ic heating problem | phone temprature to low | charging stopped |

Описание к видео vivo y91 y93 y95 power ic heating problem | phone temprature to low | charging stopped |

vivo y91 y93 y95 power ic heating problem | phone temprature to low | charging stopped |
vivo y91 y93 y95 power ic heating problem | phone temprature to low | charging stopped |
Vivo y91 phone temperature to low
Vivo y91 phone temperature to hight
Vivo y91 charging stoped
Vivo y91 slow charging
Vivo y91 heating problem
Vivo y91 power ic heating
Vivo y91 charging not increased
Vivo y93 phone temprature to low
Vivo y93 heating problem
Vivo y93 power ic Heating problem
Vivo y95 charging percentage not increased
#mobilerepairing #ytshortsvideo #faultfinding #technicalsaim


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