Linus says adblock is piracy: is he right?

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00:00 Hello
00:05 My luck
00:34 Linus transparency vs. my lack of it
00:51 Adblock being piracy
02:30 My bias - youtube pays me from ads
03:28 My bias - Linus has given my nonprofit $20,000 from ad revenue
03:48 The stealing cirque du soleil example
04:00 The math of stealing from cirque du soleil
04:53 Louis is a simp
05:54 Definitions of piracy
06:20 What people get in trouble for
07:50 Why piracy was rampant in the 2000s
10:35 Violating the "implied contract"
10:52 Why the implied contract is not real
11:40 Suing adblockers
13:15 Journalism professor
13:35 History of ad blocking
14:00 Adblock on consumer VCRs
15:00 Would piracy measures be included on a VCR
15:35 Why screw over the advertiser but not the content creator?
16:15 Advertisers work into their model a lack of control over you
18:15 What's bad for the advertiser? You being served an ad you didn't watch
19:20 Are content creators mad if you do not pay attention to the ad?
21:45 Where do we draw the line?


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