The Fighting Irish-Raid Migrant Home Construction complex 2 times in week Destroying it !

Описание к видео The Fighting Irish-Raid Migrant Home Construction complex 2 times in week Destroying it !

Wow it looks like the Battle for the future of Ireland (that we have been Documenting on this Ch. from the start) has now turned Red Hot !

It looks like the Native Irish In the City of Clonmel found out that the Government officials were lying about the true reason for a new large Construction complex and raided the site Destroying it !

There were actually 2 different Raids of this site in the last week. The First was a Physical Battle that took place 4 days ago where there was Physical Fighting and attacks on the Property that sent some members of the Security staff there to the Hospital ! Then Another Raid took place just last night that Destroyed the Lighting and Security system of the complex (5/21) it is now reported!

This IMHO is the rebirth of Ireland and the IRISH PEOPLE!

There is only one Ethnic Group on the Planet that is known at "The Fighting" and the Irish People are Living up to that.

We hope all of You and Your Families are well thank you All and God Bless !

BTW YT has totally locked down this Ch. Now and Removed/Banned 10 or 20 of My Videos please stop over to My new Ch. on the FREE SPEECH Platform Odysee and Join us there. Thank You All !


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