Canker Sore Won’t Heal (Relief, Symptoms, Treatments, Prevention)

Описание к видео Canker Sore Won’t Heal (Relief, Symptoms, Treatments, Prevention)

Canker Sore Won’t Heal (Relief, Symptoms, Treatments, Prevention) - Won't Go Away! Learn more:

What is a canker sore?

Canker sores are small, painful sores that appear in your mouth.

They usually clear up by themselves after a week and can be managed at home. However, sometimes you can get a canker sore that won't heal. If you have a canker sore that won't heal, don't ignore it. It can be a serious condition, like: oral cancer or a life-threatening illness.

Who gets canker sores?

If you don't fall in the following categories, you may not have a normal sore. These categories include: women get them more often than men, scientists are researching if chronic canker sores are influenced by genetics. Some people who get recurring canker sores have a family history of canker sores

Once you have a canker sore the pain typically lasts about 10 days. However, it can take another two weeks to heal. Canker sores heal on their own, unless you have a compromised immune system. Larger ulcers take longer to dissipate.

What does a canker sore look like?

They're round or oval and appear on the inside of the lips, cheeks, and tongue. They swell and are painful; usually red, yellow, white or gray in color. See a doctor if it doesn't clear up within 14 days.

What causes canker sores?

Most canker sore occur on accident, when biting.

Other causes include: stress, hormonal changes, quitting smoking, genetics, spicy, salty or acidic foods, and toothpaste containing sodium lauryl sulphate.

Some medical conditions can predispose you, such as: viral infections, hand, foot and mouth disease, Chron's disease, Celiac disease, HIV or lupus.

Treatment for canker sores include:

1. Ask your pharmacist for pain medicine. 2. Change toothpaste and toothbrush. 3. Avoid spicy, acidic, hard foods, hot drinks. 5. Use antibacterial mouthwash and 6. Use over-the-counter corticosteroid lozenges to accelerate healing.

See a doctor if you have a chronic canker sore. Examples include: If it becomes acutely painful or grows larger than a dime, you get a fever, a cluster of sores in one area or spread to the lips outside the mouth.

To prevent sores, practice good hygiene, eat a diet high in B12, iron, & folate, reduce stress and buy toothpaste free of sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS).

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