Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il made Korea into a paradise

Описание к видео Kim Il Sung and Kim Jong Il made Korea into a paradise

English Narration
Kim Jong Il said he would make flowers bloom on a rock if that is the wish of people
From the documentary: "Always Working Together for the People" 1994
First song is "The party is our bosom" (당의 품은 우리 사는 집)
Second song is "Thinking of Mother" (어머니 생각)

This is the original video, the video called "North Korea - How Kim Il Sung Made Korea Into A Paradise" is a copy of this one.

Motherland Is the Cradle of My Life
Candidate Academician, Professor and Doctor Kim Won Il, teacher of Kim Chaek University of Technology, says:
"It is 70 years after the Korean people raised cheers of hurrah with the joy of national liberation.
After the country was occupied by the Japanese imperialists, the Korean people had to live as slaves for tens of years. But when Korea was liberated on August 15, Juche 34 or 1945, they felt joy of national liberation and were greatly excited.
Still vivid before my eyes is the scene that my father and mother were so glad to greet the day of liberation that they shed tears and raised cheers of hurrah with smile on their faces. Why not!
I was born in Chongjin City, North Hamgyong Province. Before liberation the Korean people had to live as colonial slaves. At that time my parents were eking out a scanty livelihood while doing a hard labour at a railway construction site. Our house was a tiny straw-thatched cottage built with straw bags piled up.
At the construction site my father shouldered pole to carry rails and my mother gathered bottomings. They toiled and moiled all day long but our family often skipped meals as it was difficult to prepare even thin porridge for a meal. I could not see a smile on their faces but only their worried looks.
Though there were the sky and the land, the Korean people were deprived of the home and right of their life. Their life was literally inferior to animals. Our family had to live in gloom with bitter tears and sorrow.
But the spring light of liberation came to our family as well. Saying he was not tired no matter how hard he might work, my father always told us to study hard and do our duty as masters of new Korea.
With the pleasure and pride of being the masters of the country and factories, my parents devoted their all to the building of new Korea. National liberation cleared me of hunger and provided me with the right of learning. I learned to my heart´s content without any worry and studied at today´s Kim Chaek University of Technology as I hoped.
After graduating from the university, I taught students and could become Candidate Academician, Professor and Doctor. It is impossible to think of my growth like today as a child of railway workers before liberation.
The national liberation provided the right to life, the genuine human right to all people on this land as well as my family and me. So I always say to my children that today´s happiness is possible because the great leader Kim Il Sung liberated the country and built a genuine people´s government whose masters are people. Indeed, the motherland is the home and genuine cradle of my life."
(Voice of Korea 2015)


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