老外的七個女兒住台灣鄉下,閒暇時間可以做什麼呢?Tech-Free Girls Explore Taiwan Countryside, Catch Critters, & Make Memories

Описание к видео 老外的七個女兒住台灣鄉下,閒暇時間可以做什麼呢?Tech-Free Girls Explore Taiwan Countryside, Catch Critters, & Make Memories

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Many of us grew up in a pre-internet, pre-electronic-device world. Now almost everyone has a cellphone in their pocket, and we take it with us everywhere we go. We often think about what we can do with these new technologies, but we often overlook what these technologies are actually doing to us- how they change the way we spend our time, and all the things we stop doing because we’ve found something more captivating.

Next time you get bored and pick up your phone, ask yourself, “what would I be doing if I didn’t have this phone?”

Is it the first thing you pick up and interact with in the morning and at night before bed? Why?

In today’s video we share some simple moments of our girls enjoying the great outdoors here in the countryside of Miaoli, Taiwan. We don’t give our daughters their own electronic devices- primarily because they will become all-consuming, the attraction will be so strong, and the influence so great that they will loose an interest in the world around them.

It’s amazing, but take away electronic devices, and give any child plenty of un-guided free time, and they will naturally want to explore their environment, use their creativity, and use their energy … being a child! But you first have to give them a chance to come face to face with boredom. Boredom is not the enemy, it’s a spark to ignite your child’s imagination, a desire to do something fun and new, it’s a chance to let your children overcome passivity and make something with their most precious asset- their time!

I think we parents have good intentions, and want to give our children the very best. We often plan out every waking hour of our children’s lives, and fill it with activities, and things to learn. But we need to remember that children also need personal space and un-structured time to grow into healthy adults. They need to climb trees, and run (and fall down), and catch bugs and frogs, and scrape their knees, and ride bikes, and make mud pies (and get dirty), and go on hikes, and play hide and seek, and fly kites, and swim in lakes, and play ball, and so many other activities that engage the 5 senses. Yes, safety is important, and no, mot everyone can provide such a place for children to do these things, but the principle is the same- children need free time.

One thing that I have noticed while living and teaching in Taiwan for the past 20 years (and I’m sure it happens in many places around the world), is that many children are burdened with academics- so much book-learning, so much homework, and testing, and pressure, that they don’t really know how to interact with the world. Children are so protected from nature, that they become unnatural; they are so protected from failure, that they don’t know how to fail well; they are so tired from all their school work, that they don’t have energy for family, hobbies, and delight-directed learning. And when the children whine and complain enough, the parents eventually give in and stop the noise by giving their children a smartphone (or a tablet, or a TV)

May we remember that children are children. May we not burden them, or cause them to stumble under heavy loads that they were not meant to bear. May we not pacify them with addictive technology. May they learn to work, and study, and do hard things, but have it all balanced with a healthy dose of play and laughter.

Peace to you all, and God bless the children,

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