Why do I Get Symptoms Like Dizziness and Nausea from Riding in a Car

Описание к видео Why do I Get Symptoms Like Dizziness and Nausea from Riding in a Car

A common issue we hear from patients is feeling dizzy when riding in a car. In this case, we found that it was due to two main factors: 1) down-beating nystagmus, which is an abnormal eye movement where the eyes drift upwards and then quickly correct back down, and 2) vergence issues, where the eyes have difficulty coordinating to focus on near and far objects.

These neurological issues can make it challenging for the brain to process all the visual information encountered while driving, leading to symptoms like dizziness and nausea. Treatment involves using whole-body vestibular stimulation through rotation therapy to strengthen the connection between the inner ear and the cerebellum. This, combined with targeted eye movement exercises, has been effective in reducing the frequency of the abnormal eye movements and improving the patient's ability to visually process their environment while driving

Office: (734)-707-5105
Email: [email protected]

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