No Sanity, No Evidence #3 | Phasmophobia

Описание к видео No Sanity, No Evidence #3 | Phasmophobia

Welcome back to another entry into our No Sanity, No Evidence series! This is easily my favorite way to play Phasmophobia and I absolutely love identifying Ghosties, even though I still need to practice surviving hunts...

I hope you enjoy!

00:00 - Intro
0:36 - Tanglewood Drive #1
4:13 - Ridgeview Court #1
6:12 - Bleasdale Farmhouse #1
10:06 - Camp Woodwind #1
12:07 - Maple Lodge Campsite
17:41 - Tanglewood Drive #2
20:57 - Ridgeview Court #2
21:55 - Bleasdale Farmhouse #2
29:54 - Camp Woodwind #2
35:59 - Brownstone High School
37:13 - Outro

My Custom Settings:

Starting Sanity: 0
Sanity Pill restoration (%): 0
Sanity drain speed (%): 200
Sprinting: On
Player speed (%): 100
Flashlights: On
Lose items and consumables: On

Ghost speed (%): 100
Roaming frequency: High
Changing favourite room: High
Activity level: Low
Event frequency: Low
Friendly ghost: Off
Grace period (s): 0
Hunt duration (s): High
Evidence given: 0

Setup time (s): 0
Weather: Windy
Doors starting open: High
Number of hiding places: Very High
Sanity monitor: Off
Activity monitor: On
Fuse box at start of contract: On
Fuse box visible on map: Off


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