"Oh, Dad-- you bought an Edsel!" -- Kathleen Turner in Peggy Sue Got Married

Описание к видео "Oh, Dad-- you bought an Edsel!" -- Kathleen Turner in Peggy Sue Got Married

With Don Murray, Barbara Harris and Sofia Coppola. 43-year old Peggy Sue has woken up 25 years in the past--a high school senior again. Not believing things are real, she's on her first day back home with her parents-- and Dad surprises the family with a new car. (In truth, since the flashback scenes in "Peggy Sue" take place in 1961, the Edsel had already gone out a year earlier.) Screenplay by Jerry Leichtling and Arlene Sarner, cinematography by Jordan Cronenweth, directed by Francis Ford Coppola, 1986.

See the follow up to this scene here:    • "I think I'll go to school today" - K...  

Read more about Turner's performance at https://turnerpeggy.blogspot.com

(Ad disclaimer: I do not own the copyrights to the film and do not know what ads they will run with it.)


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