Cities Go Climate Neutral - Schaerbeek

Описание к видео Cities Go Climate Neutral - Schaerbeek

Cities Go Climate Neutral is a project aimed to enhance and upskill the competences of municipal employees in order to enable them to design climate neutral cities strategies, such as Climate City Contracts.
Furthermore, it will strengthen the innovation and design capacity of Municipality employees regarding urban sustainable development by training them specifically in strategy design and entrepreneurship.

Project partnership
Lead partner: Malta Intelligent Energy Management Agency (MIEMA)
Partners organisations:
ORGANOSI GI – Organization Earth – Greece
FCAT – Fondazione Comunitaria di Agrigento e Trapani – Italy
e-Trikala AE. – Greece
KMOP – Policy Center ASBL – Belgium
AGRRA – Agencija za ruralni razvoj Zadarske županije – Croatia


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