Mom is Withholding Custody because no Cops will help her IF Dad doesn't return their Child

Описание к видео Mom is Withholding Custody because no Cops will help her IF Dad doesn't return their Child

Dad is extremely concerned about the lack of participation by Mom with parenting time

Motion before the court today custody and child support

Previous child support order states parenting time would be evenly split 182 overnights for each parent

The issue is Dad hasn't had a parenting time with a minor child since before Halloween this year

The Judge suggests he may switch custody if Mom`s not careful

The judgment of support of states the equal parenting time is by agreement and is not a court order, so this makes it difficult for Dad to pursue contempt charges

So technically Mom is not in violation of a court order

The Judge needs a change of circumstance in order to grant a custody request

Physical custody is a "name" only because some can have physical custody with zero overnights. The most important is parenting time

The Judge tells Mom and Dad that during his hearings his abilities are limited by the testimony they give and he bases his decisions on that however at Friend of the Court the rules of evidence do not apply and they can hear everything and see everything.

Mom states no cops will help her if Dad doesn't return the minor child

Custody issues are civil cases and Police don`t like to get involved

Child support is money paid by one parent to the other parent for the purpose of providing financial support to a child or children. Most frequently, child support is paid by the non-custodial parent to the custodial parent, but this is not always the case. Depending on where you live and the agreement you reach, the child support you pay or receive and what expenses it should cover will vary.

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