Verbos Complex Oscillator: Exponential & Linear FM (LMS: Eurorack Expansion Preview)

Описание к видео Verbos Complex Oscillator: Exponential & Linear FM (LMS: Eurorack Expansion Preview)

The Verbos Complex Oscillator is an interesting take on the classic Buchla dual VCO where one side modulates the other to create more complex waveforms. In this movie, I give a quick overview of switching between AM and FM modes, and then demonstrate both exponential FM using the internal modulation bus and linear FM using an external oscillator (a Moog Mother-32) and VCA for modulation depth (an Intellijel uVCA II). More details are in the companion blog post:

This movie is one of five on the Verbos Complex Oscillator from my online course, "Learning Modular Synthesis: Eurorack Expansion" (available July 2017). For more details including the list of movies and an overview of the course, visit:


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