50 Minute Pomodoro Timer 🔥 Focus White Noise 집중 백색소음📚10-Hour Study ⏱Pomodoro 50/10, 50 min x 10 sets

Описание к видео 50 Minute Pomodoro Timer 🔥 Focus White Noise 집중 백색소음📚10-Hour Study ⏱Pomodoro 50/10, 50 min x 10 sets

Welcome to 10 hour study/work session with the pomodoro timer.
This popular time management technique is used to stay focused when you study or work. Today, we will do 10 pomodoros, 50-minute study sessions with 10-minute breaks in between. Stay focused and study longer.

📚 10 Hour Session : Study, Read, Work and Relax
⏰ Pomodoro 50/10 : 50 minute study /10 minute break (10 sets)
🎧 ASMR : White Noise for Focus and Studying (집중력을 높이는 백색소음)

📌 Guideline for you
Step 1. Decide on the task to be done.
Step 2. Ready for the 50 minute pomodoro timer.
Step 3. Work on the task.
Step 4. End work when the timer rings and take a 10 minute break.
Step 5. Go back to Step 2 and repeat until you go through all 10 pomodoros.

⏱ Timestamp
00:00 - Intro & Session 1
50:09 - Break 1
01:00:08 - Session 2
01:50:09 - Break 2
02:00:09 - Session 3
02:50:09 - Break 3
03:00:09 - Session 4
03:50:09 - Break 4
04:00:09 - Session 5
04:50:09 - Break 5
05:00:09 - Session 6
05:50:09 - Break 6
06:00:09 - Session 7
06:50:09 - Break 7
07:00:09 - Session 8
07:50:09 - Break 8
08:00:09 - Session 9
08:50:09 - Break 9
09:00:09 - Session 10
09:50:09 - Long Break & End of Session


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