Описание к видео Risking FULL GILDED in F2P PvP (I HUNT MAINS)


As always I am keeping this video truly old school. No commentary, no sponsors. Enjoy.

Commonly asked questions:

Q). Do you ever fight opponents who also bring risk?
A). Sometimes, but if I do it's because I just want a fight. I don't care about what my opponent risks. I don't care if I kill them for Rune or Gilded, it makes no difference to me. In fact, I prefer to fight players who have a normal risk because they safe less and there's less toxic behaviour to deal with. Mostly every time I fight someone who wants to risk me, they want to no arm without pizza (but they of course still bring pizza..) knowing that I won't be using range and they safe match after match hoping to eventually stack me with range+2h. I find myself constantly risking my health but they won't drop below 40. Perhaps this reasoning will also make it clear as to why you will see me skulled in 40m+ gear against somebody unskulled risking 40k. I don't want your loot, I just want to manhandle you in a public setting. Okay but seriously, I just want to have fun and make a few more videos to encourage other players to try F2P Pking then I'm gonna bounce because I'm getting old now & someone else has to take over eventually.. hopefully.

Q). Why are you risking so much in some clips but unskulled in others?
A). When I enter F2P PvP, I sometimes have a large number of players all wanting to fight me at the same time, so they try to attack me first before other players can, which makes me unable to skull or I will initially be skulled but because people will continously ask me for rematches, my skull eventually drops while fighting them. Try walking in to F2P PvP with full Gilded and a reputation of risking your health/fighting to the death and you'll see exactly what I mean. Naturally, what I risk in F2P can be game-changing for a lot of F2P pkers and they just want a chance at earning it. I've very much enjoyed giving that to the F2P PvP community.

Q.) Will you fight me? (I'll beat you easily!) etc..
A). I get a lot of requests to fight players in the comments section of my videos and a lot of players claiming to be the best etc. However, those players don't realise that I had already made a name for myself many years ago within the F2P PvP community BEFORE I even made these videos. I only started making my F2P videos AFTER I had already made a name for myself in-game. If you are an active F2P Pker who stands out because of their skill or because you are unique, then I should already know who you are and if I don't then that means you still have work to do. The F2P PvP scene is small, you don't have to make videos to make a name for yourself and you can't claim to be the best if nobody even knows who you are. If you are an active and decent F2P Pker then we will eventually meet in PvP. I've made over 5 hours of pking content in F2P, that of which is just raw pking without commentary. 5 hours of F2P players dying. Do the work and when you do eventually see me, all you have to do is attack.

Q). Why are you letting players "chance" you during fights?
A). I don't use the term "chanced", it's a term that was made up only a few years ago, or at least that's when players started using it & I don't believe it applies to F2P Pking. One of the best ways for me to get kills in F2P is to risk my health so that my opponent drops their guard and inadvertently risks their own. If we're both on low health, I like to rely on my 99 attack sometimes. I won't go too much into this or explain my strategies in great depth but I'll tell you this much: rarely will you hit 31 (the max hit) twice in a row in F2P. Go and try it for yourself and see how long it takes you. If I am sitting on 31 health AFTER my opponent just hit 31, I would feel fairly comfortable that I shouldn't get koed on the next hit. This doesn't mean that it definitely wouldn't happen, but I would see that situation as a good opportunity to look to take a risk. Make of that what you will. That should make sense to at least some of you but I'm not going to get involved in any mathematical arguments about RNG. This is just what has worked for me.

A huge shout out to the players who run up to me saying things like "nice videos!".. this has never grown old for me, even after 20 years. The players that cheer me on during fights in-game.. the characters that do the bow emote.. those of you that were giving me nicknames like "King of F2P" and "The Gilded God".. and even "Black Shield".. all those years ago.. appreciate it very, very much. The honour has been all mine, trust me. Respect to all of the players I fought throughout my journey & thanks for watching!

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If you're a member, even if you're an advanced Pker in P2P with years of exerpeince, just give F2P PvP a try. Help some new players learn. You might find it more fun than you think.



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