Synth Meets FX Pedal #1 - TC Electronic Mimiq

Описание к видео Synth Meets FX Pedal #1 - TC Electronic Mimiq

The TC Electronic Mimiq is a doubler/stereoizer pedal that was developed to simulates the sound of several guitar takes to thicken up the sound as it is standard during metal guitar recording sessions.

This can be done in the simplest case by a slight delay between the original and its copy. To make a mono signal sound stereo one can spread the original and the delayed signal on left and right channel. However this approach can produce some unnatural sweeping comb filter effect also known from flanger FX.

For guitar sounds with their complex sonical and rhythmical behavior it's ok and sometimes wanted. For synthesizer sounds with their distinctive oscillator sound it's a different story.

The Mimiq goes beyond the above mentioned approach by adding slight differences not only in the delay time but also in the attack behavior and the pitch.

This should simulate with synths a nice unisono-kind of sound. So let's try it out :-)

First thing I observed was the different behaviour of the input signal depending on the Dubs setting. But I think it's obvious why:

Dubs 1: Dry signal left, dub 1 right
Dubs 2: Dry signal left & right, dub 1 left, dub 2 right
Dubs 3: Dry signal right, dub 1 left, dub 2 right, dub 3 left

In this case the dry and the dub signals are evenly spread to left and right ;-)

Well, it seems to work fine with synths. Whatever I did, it neither sound bad nor unnatural.

BTW, as synth I used a Roland JP-08 with two quite simple sounds.

Enjoy :-)


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