🇲🇦寻找丹吉尔大力神洞,鬼斧神工非洲版图洞穴The Caves of Hercules in Tangier, A Magical Cave Shaping African Map

Описание к видео 🇲🇦寻找丹吉尔大力神洞,鬼斧神工非洲版图洞穴The Caves of Hercules in Tangier, A Magical Cave Shaping African Map

3月的丹吉尔,刮起风,下起雨真得很考验游客的意志力。不行,我依旧得出去。随便逛逛,先来到了丹吉尔大清真寺,然后现搜路线去了大力神洞。洞不大却搜刮了我60迪拉姆,但是洞中的海水冲刷后显现的形状恰巧吻合非洲版图,大自然的鬼斧神工啊。一天折腾下来,狂风把我唯一的小雨伞给我吹报废了,为了犒劳挨冷受冻,浑身湿透的自己,我走进一家售卖种类繁多面点的店,我勒个去,这个牛角包、春卷、pizza怎么可以这么好吃。不行,冷天必须得喝碗热汤,于是我又喝了一碗摩洛哥传统的汤harira汤,这一天才算是满足了!March In Tangier, the blowing wind and the sudden rain really tests the willpower of tourists. No, I still have to go out. After a casual stroll, I first came to the Great Mosque of Tangier, and then searched for ways to the Cave of Hercules. The cave is not big but it cost me 60 dh. However, the shape of the cave just coincides with the African map. It is a miraculous work of nature. After a day of suffering, the strong wind scraped my only small umbrella. In order to reward myself for bearing coldness and freezing wind, I walked into a shop selling a wide variety of pastries. OMG! the croissant, spring rolls and pizza are so delicious? No, I have to have a bowl of hot soup on such a cold day, so I drank another bowl of harira soup-a traditional Moroccan soup. After the whole feast, finally I was satisfied!
♫ M U S I C:
Jesse's Carnival Waltz - The Great North Sound Society
W. A. Mozart, Symphony No.38 in D major - A Far Cry
Bird Therapist - Craig MacArthur
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