Permaculture Institute of Thailand - Organic Farming | Howard Story | TEDxParksville

Описание к видео Permaculture Institute of Thailand - Organic Farming | Howard Story | TEDxParksville

Howard reveals what conditions are necessary to grow true organic fruit and vegetables from rich, chemical free soil. The role of the Permaculture Institute of Thailand and the organic farming training is also explained.

Howard Story is the founder and CEO of Permaculture Institute Thailand , Wwoof Thailand, (a volunteer organic farm organization) and on the board of other Sustainable living organizations. Permaculture Institute Asia, (Sustainable Communities Thailand, Bamboo Forum of Thailand, Organic Market Gardening Thailand , Issan Permaculture and more) Howard is also a member the UN food organization FAO, IFOAM Organic organization, Stockholm Resilience Centre , Permaculture International. Howard teaches urban and rural community sustainability, resilient village design, food sovereignty.

This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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