
Описание к видео 超燃震撼现场!中国军队2025练兵备战大幕拉开!四川舰服役时间曝光!潜艇融入联合作战:南部战区潜舰攻防训练!福建舰测试舰载机时间公开!歼-35A确定装备最新型航母!中国最大战机编组攻防对抗演练……

本期节目主要内容: 贯彻执行习近平主席强军思想,新年新气象,新年新作为,2025年伊始,从大漠戈壁到沿海一线,从雪域高原到山地密林,在祖国的大江南北,解放军和武警官兵们掀起了新年度练兵备战的热潮。本期节目将带您到中国军队的演兵场上去看一看。
The main content of this episode: Implementing President Xi Jinping's thoughts on strengthening the military, a new year with a new atmosphere, a new year, at the beginning of 2025, from the desert Gobi to the coastal front, from the snowy plateau to the mountainous forests, across the country, the PLA and armed police officers and soldiers have set off a new year's training and preparation craze. This episode will take you to the Chinese military's parade grounds.


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