CS411 MidTerm Exam Question and Solution by taleemi markaz

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CS411 Mid Term Exam Questions Solution 2022


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Write ten features of C#.
What is Event Handling used for?
Can we initialize no static field in static constructor yes or no, give solid reason.
How can we avoid content overflow by clipping?
What is JIT?
Difference between HorizontalAlignment and HorizontalcontentAlignment?
What are x:AsynchRecords and x:Synchronous attributes in XAML 2008?
What is the difference between StackPanel and DockPanel?
What is GDI Paint?
Solve according to operator. 5*6(7+4)6
Describe XML reader class working? How it is important?
What are indexers?
Create 5 button using for loop in C#. Also assign their name by for loop index + “My Button”.
What is Xml Parser?
How to create a button in C#?
Write the code of Even and Odd in C#
Write the types of exception.
Describe Garbage collection in JAVA.
What are the basic rules of XML?
Write different types of loops
What is C# Factory Method?
How to delete non empty directory?
What are the two uses of a using statement in C#?
What is difference between LCS and HTML?
Write basic rules of HTML.
What do you understand by a sealed class in C#? Give an example.
Write delegate in C# with code.

What is Anonymous method in C#? Declare and call an Anonymous method.


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