London 2013 - Implementing National Quality Indicators: building a team out of rivals

Описание к видео London 2013 - Implementing National Quality Indicators: building a team out of rivals


Implementing National Quality Indicators: building a team out of rivals

Marcel DaniÎls, Clinical Cardiologist, Jeroen Bosch Hospital, the Netherlands; Göran Henriks, Director of Learning and Innovation, Jönkoping County Council, Sweden; Beth Lilja, Head of Department, Unit for Patient Safety, Capital Region of Denmark, Denmark and Jason Leitch, National Clinical Lead for Quality, Scottish Government, Scotland

Many countries struggle to implement national quality indicators to monitor and improve the quality of hospital care. In this session, we will present four models, of Scotland, Sweden, Denmark and the Netherlands. We will discuss how collaboration between multiple partners, often with rival interests (e.g. government, professional bodies, hospital corporations), is organised to achieve effect. With attendees we will discuss how they could organise similar mechanisms in their own countries and thus create similar effects.

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