midstay ft. münchen: CBYXers reunited

Описание к видео midstay ft. münchen: CBYXers reunited

3 days of our cbyx midstay experience! thank you so much to afs for organizing the camp and to the congress-bundestag youth exchange program for offering us the chance to live in germany this year. can't wait until we see each other again in berlin :)

check out the program here: https://usagermanyscholarship.org/

the congress-bundestag youth exchange program (cbyx) is a fully-funded scholarship year abroad to germany. the program includes a month-long language camp, where went to language school during the week and had cultural activities on the weekends. since then, we've been living with host families throughout the country. the scholarship also includes a one-week midstay camp in january/february and a one-week end of stay camp in june.


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