Pit Fighter (ピット・ファイター) Atari Games 1990

Описание к видео Pit Fighter (ピット・ファイター) Atari Games 1990


Game of the day
Rassegna quotidiana di retrogame noti, meno noti e sconosciuti. Beat'em up, Shoot'em up, Strategici, Platform e tutto quello che è stato prodotto di primi videogiochi agli anni 2000. I filmati, tutti originali sono registrazioni di vere partite.
Game of the day. Daily review of known, lesser known and unknown retrogames. Beat'em up, Shoot'em up, Strategic, platform and everything that was produced from the first video games to the 2000s. The video, all original, are recordings of real played games.

Blog: https://www.modellazionevirtuale.com
My speedrun: https://www.speedrun.com/user/ivanpad...
My you tube channel:    / @ivanpaduano  
My c64 records: https://www.c64-wiki.de/wiki/C64-Wiki...


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