What is a college education? David Ray at TEDxOU

Описание к видео What is a college education? David Ray at TEDxOU

University of Oklahoma professor, David Ray, asks what is a college education? Does everyone need one?

David Ray joined the OU faculty in 1992, after teaching for 14 years at Georgia Tech in Atlanta, and before that 3 years at Boston College. Ray received his BA cum laude from Yale (1967), and his MA and PhD from Stanford (1969, 1978) in political science. He served in the US Army from 1969 to 1971. At OU, he has taught Honors courses almost every semester, but also large lecture sections of the required Gen Ed American government course -- Ray typically has taught about 900 students per year in 3 or 4 classes per semester. He also supervised Graduate Teaching Assistants for the Department of Political Science and administered a program in teacher training for the Department's GTAs. At Georgia Tech, he received the University Award for Teacher of the Year and the IFC (Inter-fraternity Council) Outstanding Teacher Award.

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