Japanese Movie Car Chase

Описание к видео Japanese Movie Car Chase

Taken from the Japanese movie "Kyodan" (1982) The wikipedia Page is here: http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E5%87%B... (thanks to titansilber354e39 and others for providing information)

Yes that Nissan really does do that super hop as it spins around at 1:13 ! It's great to see these old cars like they are young chasing around and crashing down stars and past questionable members of the public. Many thanks to all who worked and created this film!


はい、日産は実際に1:13時に周りを回るので、スーパーホップをします! 若者が周りを追いかけて、星や過去の不審者を倒しているように、これらの古い車を見ることは素晴らしいことです。 この映画を作って作ったすべての人に感謝します!

(PS. I'm a musician, this channel has more to offer. Enjoy!)


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