Survivor, San Juan del Sur - Blood vs. Water 2 S29E03, Game of Throw-Ins (Part 1 of 2)

Описание к видео Survivor, San Juan del Sur - Blood vs. Water 2 S29E03, Game of Throw-Ins (Part 1 of 2)

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Immunity Challenge: Game of Throw-Ins
Each tribe will divide into pairs and be tethered together. One pair from each tribe will race through an obstacle course to retrieve their tribe colored ball. They will then attempt to shoot it into a basket. If they miss, the ball will bounce away from the shooters, forcing them to chase after the ball. The first tribe to score three points wins immunity.
Winner: Hunahpu

Day 8
“ It is scary that John loses his patience, he loses his temper. I think John is playing haphazardly and he is doing things that are not going to be helpful for the tribe right now and that's a problem. ”
–Josh Canfield

“ The challenge stunk and I might be in trouble because of the guy-girl ratio. The fact that I started off with a vote and the second Tribal had votes, I feel like I'm gonna have votes tonight. They should vote John tonight. Natalie is a fighter and she's a trash talker but for John to be a professional athlete and act like that, I didn't respect his responses whatsoever. I felt like they were seriously harsh and mean and scary. ”
–Baylor Wilson

“ I didn't think I would skate this entire game without somebody hearing about the past things I said. Natalie called me a homophobe today. Really? My closest ally and closest friend on this tribe is a gay man. Actions vs. accusations, don't really, don't really gelling. I made a few comments back which I regret. I shouldn't have blabbed my mouth so stinkin' much. Who knows how's it gonna go tonight? I may be the one the girls are targeting but I've come up with a pretty decent little strategy that I think is going to work. ”
–John Rocker

“ I told them I want to blindside Dale, trying to get rid of the old guy, the dead wood, you know, so they are not going to be looking at me but I'm gonna vote for Baylor if I think I can get to Josh, Alec, Dale and Wes. ”
–John Rocker

“ I was kind of shocked because I didn't know he has a Hidden Immunity Idol. You want the people that are going to be the most honest with you and the most trusting with you when we're getting so far down in numbers and John has shown some sketchiness and done some things that I don't agree with as far as his mouth with the other tribe, getting on with Val, and doing all this other stuff. Also has an Idol. He's not going to use that Idol for me. He's going to use that Idol for himself. Sometimes you make allies and you don't know really who they are yet and you get to know them and get to know them and you're like "ohh, I don't think I want to be an ally with this person because they stand for so many things that I'm against" and in John's case, if I don't have to use him then I don't want to. ”
–Josh Canfield

“ Obviously I'm celebrating. All the votes that I know of, except for Dale, are going towards John. I just really hope that Josh is telling me the truth and Wes is not just lying to my face. It's freaky and scary 'cause you never know when, when you could just be being completely played. ”
–Baylor Wilson

“ We're talking about maybe getting rid of John while we can but physically John is an asset so, is that smart right now? Maybe not. ”
–Alec Christy

“ I guess I might as well bring the Immunity Idol with me. I think I've done a pretty good job laying groundwork. I think I've manipulated the right pieces that need to be manipulated but uh, the tide might turn against me. Who knows? I know it would be nice to have a get out of jail free card. ”
–John Rocker

“ Tonight's decision at Tribal is actually pretty huge because if we decide to vote out John we're finally breaking that five guy alliance and we're losing the big guy on our team but if John doesn't go home, it's Baylor. Baylor was my first ally in this game and I know she's with me 100%. John is such a wild card. I don't know. Is there an easy vote tonight? No, but I have to go with my gut and how I think I will be able to continue farthest in this game and I have no idea if I'm making the right decision tonight. ”
–Josh Canfield


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