How To Make a Pollinator-friendly Outdoor Space

Описание к видео How To Make a Pollinator-friendly Outdoor Space

Jenna Otero and Annabel Posimato (NYC Regional Environmental Educators, New York State Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation) show us how we can protect and support the basic needs of hardworking pollinators that keep our plants alive and our food growing in New York City!

Make your outdoor space (that's anything from a window-sill to a garden!) friendly to busy bees, brilliant butterflies, and any other creatures who move pollen around our city.

The Earth Day How-To Festival is a city-wide skill-share celebrating Earth Day. Experts, enthusiasts, and professionals present a range of activities for all ages and skill levels. Celebrate our community’s know-how, learn something new, and help protect the only world we have. Supported by National Grid.

The Earth Day How-To Fest is free to enjoy, donations to the Staten Island Museum are welcome.


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