Promoting Digital Health Literacy for Europe's Digital Future

Описание к видео Promoting Digital Health Literacy for Europe's Digital Future

EuroHealthNet's annual seminar "Promoting Digital Health Literacy for Europe's Digital Future" took place live via zoom on the 7th December 2021. Watch back and find out more.
Find speaker presentations and further information here:

Chapter: 00:00 Welcome
Dr Mojca Gabrijelčič Blenkuš, EuroHealthNet President, public health specialist at the Slovenian National Institute of Public Health (NIJZ)

Chapter: 04:52 Keynote Speaker
Keynote: Dr Natasha Azzopardi Muscat, Director of the Division of Country Health Policies and Systems, WHO Europe

Chapter: 21:23 Session 1

Chapter: 24:09 Belén Sotillos González
Innovation Officer, Andalusian Agency for Healthcare Quality, European mHealth Hub representative

Chapter: 32:31 Anett Numa
Digital Transformation Adviser – e-Estonia Briefing Center

Chapter: 44:20 Alisha Davies
Public Health Wales presenting a recently-launched report named Digital technology and health inequalities: a scoping review.

Chapter: 01:01:25 Session 1 Q&A

Chapter: 01:07:10 Session 2

Chapter: 01:08:46 Prof Dr Orkan Okan
TUM Department of Sport and Health Sciences, Health Literacy, Technical University Munich

Chapter: 01:22:15 Katarzyna Ptak-Bufkens
Policy Officer, DG SANTE, Performance of national health systems, European Commission

Chapter: 01:36:11 Lars Münter
Head of International Projects Unit for the Danish Committee for Health Education, Project Lead Communication at Nordic Health 2030 Movement, initiator of the Self-Care In Europe-network

Chapter: 01:47:04 Session 2 Q&A

Chapter: 02:04:10 Session 3

Chapter: 02:06:25 Prof Gill Rowlands
Professor of Population Health Sciences, Newcastle University UK

Chapter: 02:19:41 Dr Sigrid Troelstra
Scientific Collaborator, Trimbos Institute for Mental Health, Netherlands

Chapter: 02:23:09 Jennifer Davies
Policy Officer Partnership and Advocacy, Sante Publique France

Chapter: 02:25:48 Justine Avenel-Roux
Project lead of #MoisSansTabac campaign, Sante Publique France

Chapter: 02:38:43 Session 3 Q&A

Chapter: 02:45:11 Caroline Costongs
Director, EuroHealthNet

Chapter: 02:46:48 Clayton Hamilton
Coordinator, Digital Health Flagship at World Health Organization Europe


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