Words of Wisdom From Jared Buckendahl | WGYM

Описание к видео Words of Wisdom From Jared Buckendahl | WGYM

#JaredBuckendahl #WeGotYourMail #TMedias

1:47 Robert Quinting • I was a Host/waiter/bartender (and a lot of ETC'S) At Applebee's! I found out that most of the heaviest drinkers are married and in a separation!

3:50 @thegeekabides Replying to @t3medias Life is a roller coaster Roller coaster! Nice to see you still at it on YouTube.

6:13 allisrevealed233 • What is this, 2009? Get a better webcam lol

7:20 Donna J • Just subscribed! Love your reactions😊
7:48 @JaredBuckendahl (tweets) Damn, a big congrats on the last solid month of subscribers. Honestly I’m the worst at “growing” social media, but be yourself, engage with others, and tweet out useful information or opinions people may gravitate to. Whether it be useful news, or commentary

▶ Chris Fagan @chrisfagan1980
▶ Amy Newman @amy_n_newman & @amy.n.newman

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W A T C H M Y C O N T E N T:
T3Medias Episodes Every Wednesday around 11AM CST
We Got Your Mail Every Saturday around 11AM CST

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A B O UT T H I S C H A N N E L :
This channel is not meant to gather information on or is targeted towards children under 13. Talking Through The Medias gives reviews and reactions to movies, tv shows and more. I am always up to answer questions sent in from anyone in the fan community. So join me on live stream or submit questions and requests. You can always submit your questions @t3medias on social media. Let me know what you want me to react to.

C O N T A C T / B U S I N E S S
[email protected]

Have a topic you want to be covered on Why Is That Trending? Send them to us at [email protected] to have your questions or comments read on the We Got Your Mail segment please send them on our youtube video or to the following pages @t3medias
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