Nightcore - 1-800-273-8255 (Lyrics) [Kiri T]

Описание к видео Nightcore - 1-800-273-8255 (Lyrics) [Kiri T]

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➤ Original:    • 1-800-273-8255 Logic (Cover by Kiri T)  

1-800-273-8255 is a suicide hotline, the song is about suicide. It was written to prevent suicide. Suicide prevention is something important, if you need help please call a suicide hotline. Here is a list of suicide hotlines (for suicide prevention) to call.

🌼 Chino
  / discord  
  / chinofromyt

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Name of picture illustrator has been lost due to a bug with YouTube deleting video descriptions. If you know the illustators name, please tell me in the comments so I can properly credit them!


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