Oh Danny Boy - Irish Traditional

Описание к видео Oh Danny Boy - Irish Traditional

**UPDATE 2019**

You wonderful people have brought this video to almost 3,000,000 views, and I am so grateful for that. I just wanted to share that I have sung this song many times with one of my closest friends, a beautiful 80-year-old soul named Jim O'Brien. He played piano and organ for almost 60 years, and we would sing this sometimes when we had our twice monthly dinners. I had the chance to whisper this song to him when I said goodbye to him for the last time yesterday, as he prepares to cross the veil that separates this life from the next. If you listen to this song and think of a loved one who has passed like I will always think of Jim, please know that you have all my love and condolences. If you would like to use this arrangement for a funeral, please feel free to contact me at my Caitlin Heaney Music facebook page:   / caitlinheaneymusic  . Love love love
I think this is the most beautiful song ever written. And probably the saddest.
I was listening to it driving home from a trip once, and my mom and I both had tears streaming down our faces. So I promised her I'd put it up in honor of our Irish heritage.
I created the piano part. I'm playing as well.

Go n-eírí an bóthar leat.
May the road rise with you.


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